jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020


           Dear families

Hello! How are you? I'm Miss Tati and I'm happy to contact you! Today, I invite you to practise family members through a video. Using the jigsaw templates you'll find here (as many as you need) or drawing some in a piece of paper, I want you to paste some pictures of your family, magazines cutouts or drawings and record yourself introducing each member of your family: This is my... (MUM, DAD, SISTER, BROTHER, GRANDMA, GRANDPA, AUNT, UNCLE, COUSIN). While you do this, put the pieces together to form your family puzzle. 
I hope you enjoy doing this activity as much as I did.
See you soon!
Miss Tati
PS Anything you need,

Los invitamos a practicar el vocabulario de miembros de la familia mediante un video. Utilizando los moldes de piezas de rompecabezas que les enviamos (la cantidad que necesiten) o dibujandolas en un papel, como gusten, les pedimos peguen fotos de su familia, recortes de revistas o dibujen y se graben presentandolos: This is my ... (mamá, papá, hermana, hermano, abuela, abuelo, tía, tío, primo...), e ir armando el rompecabezas de su familia a medida que los presentan. Esperamos disfruten de hacer esta actividad tanto como yo.

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